I found this link to an awesome blog on Pinterest: Grow Creative. She has lots of fun ideas for watercolors and I am going to try a few. One of them was blowing paint with straws. I remember doing this is elementary school, but forgot all about it until I saw it on Pinterest (where I found her blog). Of course I had to try it again. Here are the results:
Fun! I'll definitely be doing this again when I get bored and don't know what to paint. I would suggest taking breaks often while doing this...I definitely got a little light-headed. Blowing through a straw is harder than you might think...
Toby was very interested in what I was doing when I was working on these...
Fun! I'll definitely be doing this again when I get bored and don't know what to paint. I would suggest taking breaks often while doing this...I definitely got a little light-headed. Blowing through a straw is harder than you might think...
Toby was very interested in what I was doing when I was working on these...
Thanks Elise! I love your blog, it's great!