Lately, one of my favorite things to do is scrolling through all the photos hash-tagged "watercolor" on Instagram. There are so many AMAZING artists sharing their work. I decided that I'd like to try to join this artists network-of-sorts so I created an Instagram account just for art where I will follow artists and share my own work. So, if you like my work but don't want to be bothered with checking a blog, please feel free to follow me on Instagram. My username is emileewilliamsart.
The poppies are finally finished. I am pretty happy with the way they turned out but as usual there are a few things that I wish I could have done better. I may tweak it here and there in a while, when I can look at it with fresh eyes. It's hard to tell what it needs when I have been staring at it for a long time. Two things I learned while painting the poppies: 1: Orange is easy to work with. It lifts quite well. 2: I need to work on my shadows. Hopefully I'll get some more practice with another poppy painting. Here is the finished painting:
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